Thursday, October 31, 2019

AGRICULTURAL ETHICS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

AGRICULTURAL ETHICS - Research Paper Example There is no any widely accepted definition of ethics and general public have different ideas about ethics. For some, ethics mean adherence to the law while for others it is adherence to the spirit. Similarly, for some it is concerned with the religious beliefs while for others it is concerned with the standards of the culture or the community. The definitions given by the enthusiasts are more complex containing some or all elements mentioned above describing what are concerned with ethics and what are not. However, the discussion here is not to focus on the accurate and widely accepted definition of ethics but about the what are the factors related to agricultural ethics. Many professionals have put considerable efforts in defining factors related to agricultural ethics. It is quite interesting that those who are engaged in agriculture or associated with farming directly like farmers or indirectly like government regulating bodies, researchers, agents, CEOs, lawmakers, industrial workers, protestors, consumers or technology developers believe that their moral ground is higher than others as they are associated with one of the most noble endeavors of the humans which is feeding the people and this provides them an extraordinary moral confidence which tends to neglect the need of examining the choices made by them (Burgess, 1998). According to ethicists Ahlstrom, Bruton & Yeh, (1997) those who are associated with the production of agriculture and those who support agricultural activities with technology have a strong belief that as they are increasing the agricultural production to meet the growing demand, they are exempted from the continuous process of political negotiation and renegotiation about the moral bargain which is the pillar of the modern society and democracy. All of them engaged in either discovery of new agricultural technologies or gene cloning or the lawmakers supporting farming with subsidies or breeding new plants or

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Role of Student Essay Example for Free

Role of Student Essay India has a vast population of students who are studying in thousands of schools and colleges. These students can plays a very significant role in the re-building and reconstruction of our nation. This can only happen if their energies are properly channelised. The students had also played in a very important role during Indias struggle for independence. But after Indias independence it seems that students have no aim and noble cause before them for which they can utilise their energy. From time to time we hear about students indiscipline in difference universities and colleges. This again proves that the students power is being misused for destructive activities instead of any constructive work. In reality, the students lack proper guidance and good leadership. For some years indiscipline among the students in India had become a serious problem. They were going on strikes and organising demonstrations, agitations etc. They were disrespecting their teachers and college authorities. They were also fighting with the police. Thus the whole academic atmosphere in the universities was vitiated. In certain universities for years together no examinations could be held due to these problems. For all this indiscipline and disturbances in the colleges, we cannot hold the students exclusively responsible. To some extent the teachers, college authorities as well as the political leaders of our country are also responsible. Some political parties also incite the students against the authorities. These political parties play with live and careers of the innocent students. There should be a ban on the political parties taking any participation in the affairs of the students. The students possess immense youth power. In the absence of positive and constructive leadership they are led astray. The government should provide them with healthy and constructive leadership. In this manner they can be associated in bringing about social, economic, political moral reforms in India. They can play an important role in the progress of our nation. The students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. Let them feel their responsibility towards the society and the nation, so that they can become good citizens later on. There are many ways in which the students can best serve their country. First of all, the students should imbibe the spirit of discipline, because without discipline no nation can rise in the world today. It is due to discipline alone that countries like Japan, Germany, Russia and China are today powerful nations. The students can also be associated with the removal of many social evils in the society. The students can help in rooting out out the evil of dowry from the society by taking solemn pledge, they will not accept any dowry at the time of their marriage. they can help in the removal other evils like gambling, drinking, making illicit liquor etc. The other important role which the students can play is that they should work for the national unity and emotional integration in the country. They should work against the communal, provincial, linguistic and separatist tendencies in the country. They should develop and promote the spirit of Indian first and Indian last, rather than thinking in terms of a Sikh, Muslim, christian or a Hindi.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting: a Novel Approach

Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting: a Novel Approach ADVERSE DRUG REACTION REPORTING, A NOVEL APPROACH Author: Abdul Latif Sheikh*, Ale Zehra*, Salwa Zubair*, Muhammad Zeeshan Khan* ABSTRACT: Globally adverse drug reactions (ADRs) has major contribution in public health cost mortality ratio. Therefore it’s a crucial time for an ongoing ADR-monitoring and new easy advance reporting program which provides benefits to the health care professionals patients. The aim of hosting a ADRs reporting modern tactic by the Department of Pharmacy Services,Aga Khan University Hospital ,Karachi,Pakistan(AKUH)(a tertiary care setup), is to perceive the outcome of spontaneous reporting of ADRs through call in name of Hot line service its awareness campaign. In addition to manual yellow form and online reporting system,AKUH has launched the program with ADR’s awareness session, memorandum sent through mail small spot quiz with ADRs card to all Doctors, Nurses Pharmacists. The department has fixed its one telephone line for voluntarily reporting of ADRs. Total 08 awareness session has been taken at different forum of AKUH including its associated secondary hospital from Au gust to December with 274 participants while 396 professionals participated in spot quiz activity. On weekly basis ADR’s awareness memo mail was sent to all hospital professionals and ADRs flyers distributed to the wards. Impact of 05 month activity has assessed for its achievement or not. Reporting of ADRs was increase(09%) from 43 to 52 in count with contribution of 29 ADRs, reported via hot line service while the awareness campaign boosted the professionals to report ADRs as pharmacist participation appeared to be increased from 35% to 64%. However different countries and organizations have different technologies for reporting ADRs but by adoption of such a type of modern smart approach which is easy for professionals to report ADRs awareness compaign of ADRs enhance the professional to report ADRs for positive patient out comes safety. Key word: Report ADR through call, Novel technology in ADR reporting, ADRs awareness compaign Introduction: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs), occurs at normal doses (used for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of disease, or for the modification of physiologic function), have a considerable adverse impact on the health of the population lead to contribution in health care costs due to hospital admissions (approx.5-6%), suggested the enormous direct and indirect social and economic costs for a society.2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,14, 15,16,17,18. Globally the burden of ADRs is high, accounting for considerable morbidity, mortality and extra cost28 Thalidomide is the first drug whose ADRs was reported in 196019, estimated that 5000-6000 new born infants were effected by drug with characteristic of thalidomide-induced phocomelia, limb defects, often accompanied by deformities of internal organs20,21. Due to reporting of its adverse reaction, it was withdrawn from the world market in late 1961, remaining available only for strictly defined research purposes, 22diverted the attention of health caregiver to chore on reporting system of adverse drug reaction. ADR monitoring or a reduction in their frequency simply cannot happen until and unless they are reported in an efficient and timely manner. Spontaneous reporting is most accessible and easiest method for ADR reporting. WHO has implemented two methods in its public health program, cohort event monitoring (CEM) and targeted spontaneous reporting (TSR). CEM encompasses all drug related issues including poor quality, drug interactions, storage and medication errors23 while in TSR health professionals in specific setting (e.g. patients on drug resistant infection) reports about drug related issues, safety.24 Spontaneous reporting is helpful but is usually prone to under reporting and poor quality reports 25Other methods include intensive monitoring (resource and time consuming)26, chart review (prospective and retrospective), FDA MEDWATCH reporting. One of the most common method is yellow card system which was started 30 years before but the main problem associated with it is under reporting (less than 10%)27 Due to remarkable burden of ADRs globally, 28, 42measures are needed to reduce the frequency of ADRs, healthcare costs and readmissions34, 35and to improve the benefit harm ratio of drug. Fatal ADRs appear to be the 4th or 6th leading cause of death31; it can be reduced by making changes in systems for preventing and detecting adverse drug event(ADEs)29. A study indicates that a computer alert system prevented ADRs which were otherwise not recognizeable29.WHO database contains over 2.5 million case report analysis of this data32 ( 70% were known ADRs ,17% signals requiring further evaluation)33 .Spontaneous reporting is the most common method used in pharmacovigilance and most effective in generating signals on new or rear adverse drug reactions28. Reduction in ADRs will occur only if ADRs are properly reported and the patterns can be studied to identify the causes of ADRs, which will in the end, help to reduce their occurrence.36 Pakistan has been plagued with many health related problems, including ADRs. In Lahore, on Jan- 2012, at least 125 patients died due to an adverse drug reaction(ADRs) due to one of the cardiac medicine, which was adulterated with an antimalarial agent, found on investigation.37, 38However laws for monitoring and forms for reporting ADRs exist in Pakistan but there is no National ADR database.39 In Pakistan, medicines are used on a large scale, but still ADRs reporting is a little known concept. Ministry of health (MOH) has been involved in developing an ADR program, but requires major improvements; widespread implementation being a critical factor. Majority of the hospitals have no ADRs reporting system, others are reporting ADRs restricted to some drugs, and only few hospitals have a proper established ADRs reporting system40. The Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH), being the premier hospital of Pakistan, also has an established ADRs program, which includes utilizing various technologies to report ADRs; Yellow cards, online reporting, and a recently established ADR reporting hotline service (where reports can be made via telephones). Having multiple technologies available to healthcare professionals to report ADRs makes the task easy and ultimately results in improved patient care.41 Methodology: To enhance the ADRs reporting system in an easiest more efficient way, The Department of Pharmacy services-AKUH, in addition to yellow card online ADRs reporting, tune up to a new spontaneous service in name of ADRs hot line service in which pharmacy fix its one telephone extension for receiving ADRs reporting calls. Caller is the reporting person but the login of ADRs in system is the responsibility of pharmacy by asking the information of about patient’s Medical record number, time date of reaction, suspected drug nature of reaction. Program started from 5th August, 2013 with adoption of following strategies. Aware session at different forum of doctors, pharmacists nurses, distribution of ADRs flyers to different unit of ward ADRs cards inform them about the importance outcomes of ADRs reporting. By taking a small spot quiz of ADRs (policies, how to login, and its outcome e.t.c) to different staff randomly give small prizes for their appreciation encouragement. On weekly basis advertise through mail, sent to all hospital’s professional with different theme of ADRs. Acknowledged with appreciation words to those user who report the ADRs through hot line service for future courage. Collect the monthly data of ADRs reporting count with contribution of hot line service. At end of month Calculate how much this service was affective? Initially the data of 05 month activity was collected to evaluate impact of new services. Table:01 Table:02 Table:03 Result: ADRs reporting trend: PRE ADRs hot line services: Total voluntarily ADR reported = 43 Graph:01 Post ADRs Hot line Service: Total voluntarily ADR reported including Hot line service= 52 Total ADR via Hot line service = 29 Graph:02 # of ADRs Reported Doctor, Nurses Pharmacists. Pre ADRs Hot line service: Graph:03 Post ADRs Hot line service: Graph:04 Discussion: New methodologies in any set up always helpful for its goal achievement. In a current scenario, along with yellow card online reporting system, The Department of Pharmacy Services-AKUH introduces a new spontaneous method of ADRs reporting in name of ADRs Hot Line Service. Program( hot line service its awareness compaign) was started on 5th August -2013 to all hospital’s Doctors, Nurses Pharmacists. Program features includes awareness session,spot quiz, memo through mail. Pre post service comparison indicate the increased in quantity of voluntarily reporting ADRs, from 43 to 52 ( as shown in graph 01 02).Increase in 09% ADRs reporting status indicate that service along with campaign was effective but still need continuous effort in field of ADR reporting technologies34,35. Reporting via manual yellow card has almost zero ( pre post evaluation showed zero reporting)which may be due to presence of online reporting as it is easy convenient as compare to yellow card while gl obally yellow card reporting is also underreporting27. Globally the burden of ADR28, 42 alarm each health care setup to concentrate its way of reporting methodology so as large amount of ADR would be reported. Total reporting trend through hot line service in around 05 month campaign was 29 including from its associated secondary hospitals (06 ADRs reported by Secondary hospital’s doctors Pharmacist) while before campaign there was zero reporting from there. Awareness sessions spot quiz campaign (as shown in table 01 02) over there boost the professionals to report the ADRs for future patient safety. As the campaign also include weekly memo (importance of ADR reporting new service) mail sent to to all professionals, act as enhancement factor for reporting. Total 20 memos have been mailed in 140 days program assesment as shown in table 03. Highest number of total ADRs has been reported in month of September, 2013 (shown in graph 02) i.e 19 its was 2nd month of campaign while least number has been reported in month of November i.e only 2 which may be due to non occurrence of ADRs. Reporting via hot line service was seem to be high in month of September also (as shown in graph 02) while moderate in month of October December (as shown in graph 02) but over all contribution of hot line service in ADRs reporting was good satisficatory certified program to continue in future for patient safety. Though the doctors, pharmacist nurses have an equal accountability to report ADRs but Pharmacist have an vital role in direct patient care through counseling on ADRs, identification and documentation in the patient’s medical record of high-risk patients43 thus in current adopted approach contribution of Pharmacist to report ADR appeared to be high as compare to the pre awareness campaign indicate the positive outcome of compain. Reporting of ADRs is high in high income incoutries as compare to low income countries. As per World Health Organization,Pakistan stand among low income countries so there is need of development of such a smart approach for reporting ADRs its awareness for patient safety. Conclusion: ADRs have a major contribution in death mortality so there is need to continue effort in developing an easy and smart technology like spontaneous reporting of ADRs through call( ADRs hot line service) its awareness comapign seems to be very effective boosting professionals . References: Biswas, P., Pharmacovigilance in Asia. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 4(Suppl1): p. S7-S19. Goettler, M., S. Schneeweiss, and J. Hasford, Adverse drug reaction monitoringcost and benefit considerations. Part II: cost and preventability of adverse drug reactions leading to hospital admission. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 1997. 6 Suppl 3: p. S79-90. Einarson, T.R., Drug-related hospital admissions. Ann Pharmacother, 1993. 27(7-8): p. 832-40. Muehlberger, N., S. Schneeweiss, and J. Hasford, Adverse drug reaction monitoringcost and benefit considerations. Part I: frequency of adverse drug reactions causing hospital admissions. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 1997. 6 Suppl 3: p. S71-7. Lazarou, J., B.H. Pomeranz, and P.N. Corey, Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. JAMA, 1998. 279(15): p. 1200-5. S., O., The role of the WHO program on International Drug Monitoring in coordinating worldwide drug safety efforts. Drug Saf 19, 1998: p. 1–10. Rawlins, M.D., Clinical pharmacology. Adverse reactions to drugs. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed), 1981. 282 : p. 974-6. Edwards, I.R. and J.K. Aronson, Adverse drug reactions: definitions, diagnosis, and management. Lancet, 2000. 356: p. 1255-9. Bandekar, M.S., S.R. Anwikar, and N.A. Kshirsagar, Quality check of spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting forms of different countries. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 19(11): p. 1181-5. Munir Pirmohamed, S.J., Shaun Meakin, Chris Green, Andrew K Scott,Thomas J Walley,Keith Farrar,B Kevin Park,Alasdair M Breckenridge., Adverse drug reactions as cause of admission to hospital: prospective analysis of 18 820 patients. BMJ 2004. 329: p. 15-19. Mellin GW, K.M., The saga of thalidomide (concluded). . N Engl J Med 1962. 24: p. 1238-44. V, G., Thalidomide in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients. A review of safety considerations. Drug Saf, 1992. 7(2): p. 116-34. DArcy PF, G.J., Thalidomide revisited. . Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 1994. 13: p. 65-76. Stephanie Tseng, G.P., Kenneth Washenik, Miriam Keltz Pomeranz, Jerome L Shupack., Rediscovering thalidomide: A review of its mechanism of action, side effects, and potential uses. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1996. 35(6): p. 969-979. Pal, S.N., et al., WHO Strategy for Collecting Safety Data in Public Health Programmes: Complementing Spontaneous Reporting Systems. Drug Safety, 2013. 36(2): p. 75-81. WHO, A practical handbook on the pharmacovigilance of medicines used in the treatment of tuberculosis: enhancing the safety of the TB patient. 2012, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland: WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication. Figueiras A, H.M., Polà ³nia J, et al., An Educational Intervention to Improve Physician Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA, 2006. 296(9): p. 1086–1093. Bates DW, C.D., Laird N, et al., Incidence of adverse drug events and potential adverse drug events – implications for prevention. JAMA, 1995. 274: p. 307–311. Rawlins, M.D., Pharmacovigilance: paradise lost, regained or postponed? The William Withering Lecture 1994. J R Coll Physicians Lond, 1995. 29(1): p. 41-9. Al., G.J.e., Why Learn about Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR)? Am J Med, 2000. 109(2): p. 87-94. Davies, D.E.C., Emergency re-admissions to hospital due to adverse drug reactions within 1 year of the index admission. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2010. Volume 70(Issue 5). Kass, B.L. Reducing and Preventing Adverse Drug Events To Decrease Hospital Costs. [cited; Available from: Bate, A., et al., A Bayesian neural network method for adverse drug reaction signal generation. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 1998. 54(4): p. 315-21. AGENCIES, Drug regulation follows heart patient deaths., in Daily Dawn. 2012-03-12: Lahore, Pak. Saeed, A., Pakistan heart drugs: Lahore death toll reaches 100, in BBC News. 26 January 2012: Lahore, Pak. Jooma, P.D.R., Pakistan. Pharmaceutical Country Profile 2010, Health Ministry of Pakistan: Pakistan. P. 1-56. Al., G.e., adverse drug reaction reporting system at different hospitalsof lahore, pakistan an evaluation and patient outcome analysis. journal of applied pharmacy, 2013. 4(1): p. 713-719. AKUH Pharmacy newsletter, Sep 2013, Vol.23, 02.‎ Lazarou, Jason, Bruce H. Pomeranz, and Paul N. Corey. Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients.JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association279.15 (1998): 1200-1205. Bate, Andrew, et al. A Bayesian neural network method for adverse drug reaction signal generation.European journal of clinical pharmacology54.4 (1998): 315-321. Evans, S. J. W., P. C. Waller, and S. Davis. Use of proportional reporting ratios (prrs) for signal generation from spontaneous adverse drug reaction reports.Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety10.6 (2001): 483-486. Muehlberger N,Schneeweiss S,Hasford J. â€Å"Adverse drug reaction monitoringcost and benefit considerations. Part I: frequency of adverse drug reactions causing hospital admissions.† Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf.1997 Oct;6 Suppl 3:S71-7. Dr Emma C. Davies et al. â€Å"Emergency re-admissions to hospital due to adverse drug reactions within 1 year of the index admission†British Journal of Clinical pharmacologyvolume 70, Issue 5, Article first published online: 14 JUL 2010 Anthony R cox et al. â€Å"Assessing, managing and reporting Adverse drug reactions may better equip us to minimize medicines-related harm†, 2008 volume 18, issue-2/5 PIP Basic pharmacy skills Mar08 WHO’s Pharmaceutical country profile: Pakistan. Gulamet al., 2013, â€Å"adverse drug reaction reporting system at different hospitalsof lahore, pakistan an evaluation and patient outcome analysis†, journal of applied pharmacy04(01): 713-719; January, 2013 AKUH Pharmacy newsletter, Sep 2013, Vol.23, 02 ASHP Guidelines on Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring and Reporting,

Friday, October 25, 2019

Consumer product safety act :: essays research papers fc

Consumer Product Safety Act   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Consumer Product Safety Act states that any company that receives numerous complaints about a products defects must report these claims to the CPSA. According to the CPSA reporting responsibilities belong to manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of consumer products. Each is required to notify the Commission if it obtains information which reasonably supports the conclusion that a product fails to comply with a consumer product safety standard or banning regulation. Also if the product contains a defect which could create a substantial product hazard, creates an unreasonable risk of serious injury, or death to the consumer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Commission's interpretative regulation explains the company's obligations and those of the Commission.. This requires manufacturers of a consumer product to report to the Commission if a particular model of a consumer product is the subject of three civil actions that have been filed in Federal or State court, each suit alleges the involvement of that model in death or serious injury to the body. Then at least three of the actions will result in a final settlement involving the manufacturer; or in a judgment for the plaintiff within any one of the two year periods specified. The first two year period began to run on January 1, 1991 and ends on December 31, 1992. The second two year period starts on January 1, 1993; the third, on January 1, 1995; and so forth. Manufacturers must file a report within 30 days after the settlement or judgment in the third civil action to which the reporting requirement applies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Why is the reporting required? The intent of Congress was to encourage widespread reporting of potential product hazards. Congress sought not only to have the Commission uncover substantial product hazards, but also to identify risks of injury which the Commission could attempt to prevent through its own efforts, such as information and education programs, safety labeling, and adoption of product safety standards. Although CPSC relies on sources other than company reports to identify substantial product hazards, reporting by companies is invaluable because firms often learn of product safety problems long before the Commission does. For this reason, any company involved in the manufacture, importation, distribution or sale of consumer products should develop a system of reviewing and maintaining consumer complaints, inquiries, product liability suits and comments on the products they handle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If a firm reports to the Commission it does not necessarily mean there is a substantial product hazard.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Steroid Pros and Cons

The effects of steroid use has been widely documented, especially in the past couple of years with all the high profiled athletes subjecting themselves to a tainted legacy because of the need to keep there competitive edge while there skills where slowly diminishing with age. Sending shock waves through the sports world and fans feeling disappointed and confused, athletes have been slowly coming out In the public eye for their past and current steroid abuse. These athletes have been emotionally distressed and this I imagine is extremely hard to adapt to and handle.But what bout the physical demographer bodies are enduring with these powerful anabolic drugs? This Is where a lot of different pollens come In to play, between the so-called experts and the self proclaimed experts. The so called experts being doctors and self proclaimed experts being â€Å"JUICERS† In the bodybuilding world. Some people would say â€Å"_Well look, he Is a doctor he must be right† _ and I woul d say that I rather take advice after a bad break up from a friend with the same experience than a happily married radio show love expert telling me what Is politically correct.But It Is very arid to argue science, which leads me to read up on many different articles from the other side. Rick Collins a writer for littleness. Com had a interesting article in 1999, that stated how the public was fooled by the physicians into thinking that steroids was not a performance enhancer and did not make people stronger. He then went on to say that congress, was more worried about making competitive sports pure and not so much on the actual health of steroid users. This being his own belief (not fact) says to me that he might be right.The United States of America has a way of gnashing athletes who use these drugs as criminals with huge penalties. This makes Rick Collins argument strong. Something that I also found pretty interesting was that the same physicians who said in the sass's that stero ids did not enhance ones performance retreated form that theory in the sass's. This left a bad taste in the sports communities mouths and made Doctors not look so bright. Where the physicians believed to be credible sources anymore? A majority of the sports and bodybuilding community said yes, they should be credible but Just not when it came to steroids.There is a large population of steroid users that believe the â€Å"JUICE† had a positive impact on their life. These feelings probably came from people who did the drug in proper dosages. But like anything, too much can be unhealthy. Example tanning, alcohol, sleeping and so on. What I feel bothers America about steroids Is not so much the health risks. Turn on a TV and flick through the channels. I would say you can probably come across something to do with steroids, but how much you want to bet It will be about a sports figure. Do the same thing on the Internet, Google steroids. Bet you won't get a story of a death due to steroids.Is It because there arena any stones on everyday people and steroids. No. I'm sure there Is someone who Is suffering from side effects from steroids. But who cares? It's truly about Integrity of competition. And I believe It Is truly blown out of proportion. I am so sick of seeing these ball players getting smashed through the media, getting critiqued on every little thing they say and do. When the concerns are not about health In the news It Is always about an athlete who â€Å"Cheated† -Always drama, I feel like newspapers and articles on two writers sitting on the other side of the fence on this topic.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

3 Sentences with Punctuation Problems

3 Sentences with Punctuation Problems 3 Sentences with Punctuation Problems 3 Sentences with Punctuation Problems By Mark Nichol Commas serve a vital function as a fundamental organizing tool within sentences, acting as buffers that keep syntactical elements in place and as signals that indicate relationship. Often, however, they are incorrectly located, omitted, or inserted, adversely affecting comprehension. After each of the sentences below, a discussion explains why a comma is misplaced, missing, or extraneous, and a revision demonstrates the correct placement. 1. They are becoming engaged early in the business development or RD stage, and in some cases, evaluated as a potential acquisition targets. The first comma in this sentence is placed as if to separate two independent clauses, but the statement has only one clause, interrupted by a parenthesis, so the first comma must be moved to mark the beginning of the interjection: â€Å"They are becoming engaged early in the business development or RD stage and, in some cases, evaluated as a potential acquisition targets.† 2. Such a project should be treated as a business-transformation opportunity, creating large-scale initiatives that require attention and buy-in throughout the organization and should not be considered just another project. This sentence is punctuated as if everything following opportunity is a subordinate clause, but the clause ends at organization (and is inserted within the sentence as a parenthesis), so a comma must be inserted after it: â€Å"Such a project should be treated as a business-transformation opportunity, creating large-scale initiatives that require attention and buy-in throughout the organization, and should not be considered just another project.† 3. Financial institutions should make certain that such information is used accurately and responsibly, and that privacy, discrimination, and other legal risks are appropriately addressed. Here, the second of two phrases is unnecessarily set off from the first: â€Å"Financial institutions should make certain that such information is used accurately and responsibly and that privacy, discrimination, and other legal risks are appropriately addressed.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. FurtherConnotations of 35 Words for Funny PeopleAppropriate vs. Apropos vs. Apt

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ironic Readings, “The Lottery

Ironic Readings, â€Å"The Lottery Shirley Jackson, the author of the short story, "The Lottery," uses the setting to portray an ironic ending to the story. It begins, "The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green" (255). Jackson starts off telling the story by giving the reader a sense of comfort and stability, by creating a typical town to be peaceful and tranquil. When Jackson says, "the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green," she gives the reader a serene feeling about the town (255).Jackson also mentions that school has just recently let out for summer break, which of course allows the children to run around at that time of day. In her story she states, "Bobby martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones" (255).THE MICHAEL JACKSON & JANET JACKSON COLLECTION CDBy this, she fore shadows what is about to happen in the ending, but doesn't completely give it away. She writes, "The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank" (255). In this case, this sentence proves the smallness of the town, also mentioning that the author didn't include describing a church or a courthouse. Furthermore, there seems to be no central governing body for this town, such as a court or a police station.The author then starts to talk about the details of the story by what she sees and knows, but not mentioning what is inside of the reader's minds. "The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool" portraying that there is something bad about the black box that is...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Moral Sense essays

The Moral Sense essays The Moral Sense, written by James Q. Wilson, disagrees with previous philosophers such as Marx and Hobbes as it illustrates that all humans are capable of potential good. On the other hand, Marx and Hobbes pointed out that any acts of kindness come from the self interest of the individual. Wilson believes that humans have a connection between their morals and their human nature. This connection opposes that of previous philosophers for they separated the theories of human nature and morals. This conclusion by Wilson expresses his belief that all individuals have the skills and talents to be an all-round good person. Wilson introduces the four moral sentiments of sympathy, fairness, self-control, and duty. However, sympathy is the strongest sentiment for it is the basis for the other three sentiments to be formed. Following Adam Smith, Wilson favers that sympathy serves both as an important standard for moral judgments and as a motive for moral action: feeling anothers pain, we find ourselves compelled to alleviate his suffering or take revenge on his persecutor. Wilson identifies sympathy as the human capacity for being affected by the feelings and experiences of others (Wilson 30). Sympathy can be seen as a device to moderate human brutality and offensiveness. Situations like an old lady being robbed, excites sympathy and not just the thought of sympathy causes reaction. Humans have to feel an obligation to the situation in order to feel any sympathy for the situation. Without sympathy all the other sentiments would be extremely complicated and near close to impossible. For example, i s someone was ignorant to the feelings and concerns of others, he would not strive for fairness, nor would he feel obligated to have self-control. Influencing Wilson, Adam Smith feels sympathy is the source of the human moral sense. Smith elaborates by stating that the compassion of the spectator must arise alto...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Soccer Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Soccer - Speech or Presentation Example It focuses less on the items, and more on the people who play it. Football is a life changer. As Pele, arguably the greatest footballer of all time, said, â€Å"I hope that all young people in the world are inspired by some of the positive lessons I learned in my life about overcoming obstacles, expressing creative flair, taking care of your health, and encouraging teamwork, loyalty and honesty. These are things that have an impact on, and beyond, the football field.† What I am saying today is not a radical new idea. Organizations from around the world are seeing the impact that football has on the children of this world. Football Programs for Kids by and the African push for promoting sports under the banner are just a few examples of that. Why football? Because, in football, every person goes down at some time; it is up to him decide to get up and it is up to his teammates to tell him he is worth it – that he has to get up! This is what hap pens to everyone in life too. You fall. You have to get up. Some people don’t get up at all. Some people get up slow. Some people get back up instantly. It is all about will. And it is all about whether someone can inspire you to get up or not. That is what football teaches you – to help others, to focus on what you need to do to get back up yourself, to train hard and play harder.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Frederick Douglass Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Frederick Douglass - Essay Example However, in American, slavery was introduced and influenced by the European settlers. At first, Native Americans were exploited as slaves until the settlers learned to import African slaves. The purpose was to supply the increasing demand in slave labor and trading because it proved to have several economic advantages. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the institution of slavery had affected all the Americans – whether they were white or black, Northern or Southern, slave or free. During this period, the status and treatment to the slaves were very drastic and degrading. They were considered merely as chattels or pieces of property. They had only few legal rights, but, the most tragic scenario was the situation of other slaves who had no rights at all. Most of them lives and belonged to their â€Å"Masters† wherein they can be sold or leased in the public slave markets. The owners also controlled their lives in which they were the ones who decide on how they (slaves) spent their free time and whether they get married or not. The worst, once the parents were slaves, their children were also expected to become slaves and taken by their â€Å"Master† when they big enough to be utilized in agriculture, industry, commerce, domestic service, and/or armed forces. Due to this legal, social, economic and racial discrimination and prejudices suffered by the slaves, several anti-slavery movement and revolts began to develop to end their misery and to safeguard their basic human rights. And one of the most notable and influential figures in the abolition of slavery during the nineteenth century was Frederick Douglass, who was born to a family of African-American slaves and also became as slave himself as young as seven years old. Douglass escaped from slavery and began to advocate racial equality and black freedom from being slavery doomed. Discussion Slavery both existed in the North and South America. But, since the abolition of slavery in the North during the colonial period, the South had become the haven of slave labor due to the introduction and emergence of large-scale cotton plantation farms. Cotton became the world’s largest and represented as America’s biggest and most important export. It replaced sugar as the major crop. In fact, three-fourths of the world’s cotton supply came from the southern region. It was considered by the South as their â€Å"white gold† (Foner, 2006, 378) because it significantly boosted the economic status of the entire America wherein the sales earned from the cotton industry had allowed the country to pay for imported manufactured goods (Foner, 379). Since, the economy was centered on the production of cotton, the South, which happened to have abundant fertile farms applicable for cotton farming, had become the center of New World slavery. The South was also considered as the largest and most powerful slave society (Foner, 378) which adversely affected b oth the African American slaves and the poor American whites in the region. Effects of slavery in the South to the African-American Slavery in the South had adversely affected the African-American slaves. First, the African-Americans were subjected to racial discrimination wherein the White Americans believed that they were supreme and their black counterparts were the innately inferior. Further, they declared that true equality for them (whites) was manifested by being free from â€Å"low, menial, unskilled jobs† in which they emphasized that these jobs were only fitted for the blacks. Slavery was for the blacks and means their existence was to perform all kinds of work in the plantation all throughout the day with only brief break for meals. They were only fed for the reason to become more productive rather than any reasons (Foner, 2006, 395).

Reflection -Developing a Science Caf_ Program for Your University Personal Statement

Reflection -Developing a Science Caf_ Program for Your University Library by Jeanine Marie Scaramozzino - Personal Statement Example Having said that, this concept can always be expanded, once it gets started from the library. The library cafeteria may be the best place to start this since all types of people use the library and the word can also be spread about the event. Being a library based event the participation of students, scholars, and researchers will be high. But the necessary advertising should be made to the science interested public to make Science cafe more exciting. As far as I can see the number one method to attract people is the Internet. Since most people are addicted to Facebook, Blogs, and scientific forums, the organizers can get huge publicity on the event by using such technologies. For example by using a Facebook library profile the news can be delivered to the students since higher portion of younger generation is using the Facebook. Library’s blog can also be used by starting a new discussion on Science cafe. In the article it was stated that the feedback made by participators th rough Facebook and blogs were less. But, I think the feedback could have been higher if the advertising could be done using the above stated Internet technologies.

Cultural anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cultural anthropology - Essay Example The two techniques facilitate a society to attain similar quantities of proteins continuously, though gathering one utilizes less energy since it entails collecting edible foodstuffs from the field where the coverage may not be too wide (Wilson & Wilson, 2007). Conversely, hunting entails crossing terrains in search of animals meant for hunting, hence entailing high-energy utilization. However, both gathering and hunting provide the societies with a wide range of selection of proteins even in times of paucity, which maintains high protein outcomes to evade starvation (Park, 2007). Contrastingly, hunting and gathering result in labor specialization among the communities where each task’s allocation depends on the gender. For illustration, men assume hunting task since it encompasses much energy while the women undertake to gather. Nevertheless, some foraging communities have embraced egalitarianism where no certain gender assigned to a given task, hence resulting in a classless society that does not have social stratification. This emanates from the notion that the main objective is to shun extinction of human species via adaptive modus operandi (Wilson & Wilson, 2007). ... This inclines them adoration, thus religion among the foraging societies that are much rooted in nature (Park, 2007). 1. Hutterites’ organizational structure encompasses that of chiefdom. Since their association is more intricate than a tribe or band but less complex than a state. Hutterites comprises of numerous colonies where a leader together with other key advisory associates makes daily decisions. These verdicts entail how the people in the relevant colonies ought to conduct themselves, hence maintaining peace and unity, which is vital in their regions. The colony’s political makeup and demarcations encompass: 1. Colony 2. Gemein – It is a religious unit comprising all baptized adults. 3. Colony’s executive board constituted of at least five to seven el ders. 4. Council members - They are the architects of day-to-day verdicts in the colony for the populace. 5. Head preacher – He is the link to the external humanity besides being the colony’s economic executive. Hutterites' socialization contrary to other surrounding people ensures that it prepares its people to be compliant, hardworking and reliable adults in the colonies (Wilson & Wilson, 2007). This makes the people productive, thus stabilizing their economy and making their organization more strong. Additionally, social control entails absolute adherence to the set rules and punishment for any defiance that may arise among the colonies. The unforgivable cases encompass murdering and deserting the colony, which yield to excommunication from the colony. 2. The search for reliable information regarding the origin and time of modern language has entailed anthropologists to devote themselves to diverse, intensive studies (Nanda & Warms, 2011).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Breast Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Breast Cancer - Essay Example little more than 2.47 million women who had experienced having breast cancer, women should be informed the proper way of conducting a self-breast examination as a way of increasing their chances of survival. For this study, the student nurse will discuss the importance of breast cancer screening followed by explaining the proper way to screen breast cancer and the step-by-step physical assessment to enable women detect early signs of breast cancer. Healthy women should undergo the most common screening test like mammogram at least once a year in order to detect signs of breast cancer at an early stage. (Breast Cancer, 2009a) Early detection of breast cancer is important since women can have higher chances of survival. This is because of the fact that early stage cancer is easier to treat as compared to late stage breast cancer. (Breast Cancer, 2008g) Aside from the use of mammogram test, other ways to screen signs of early stage breast cancer is through the use of other imaging test like the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Breast Cancer, 2008c). The blood marker tests can also be considered when screening a patient. In case cancer protein or blood markers like CA 15.3, TRU-QUANT, CA 27.29, CA125, and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is present in the blood (Breast Cancer, 2008a), there is a strong possibility that the patient has a breast cancer. Because of the limitations of mammogram when screening for breast cancer, the use of digital tomosynthesis is now being considered as the best alternative for mammograms (Breast Cancer, 2008d). Although a lot of physicians believe that the use of mammography is the best method for detecting breast cancer, the Mayo Clinic 2008 study result suggest that the use of molecular breast imaging (MBI) is better than mammography in terms of detecting tumors in the breast (Breast Cancer, 2008f). Also highly recommended for women who have high risk of developing breast cancer, a new technique known as the ductal lavage can be

What were the Main Causes of the First World War Essay

What were the Main Causes of the First World War - Essay Example Same was the case with World War One (W.W.1) that erupted in the beginning of 20th century and took the entire world in its fold, no continent was safe from it, and the major stakeholders were from nearly three continents. All the major events that took place in the history if traced back reveal that various long term reasons were behind them. Various factors contributed to the beginning of the fire, the military might, hostility towards each other, oppression of the weak, colonialism, race for resources, all these factors were building and in boiling for around twenty to thirty years and resulted in eruption of volcano in the name of World War One that lasted more than four years between 1914 and 1918 and had the entire world under its grip. This war changed the dynamics of happenings that were to take place in the coming years and decades of the century, and created new foes and new friends. Initially the rivalries were bi party and involved only two nations, two prime examples in this case can be seen as the rift that was going on between the Germans and French in 1870s(Howard, 2001), and Serbs and Austria-Hungry. Such small events and battles between the two nations result in providing a playground for large scale war which gives rise to battles that go beyond the borders of countries and engulf the continents ,similar case happened in case of World war one. More often than not it is seen that constitution of strategic alliances and groups result in further hostility of relations towards the other bench and such case was exhibited in World War One, though two strong entities were being established, yet they rather provided a medium for the two blocks to merge stand and operate against each other. A world war is termed as one that involves more than five super powers of that time, and enrolls two or more continents in its fire, World War One had the ingredients of both .The causes of a worldwide fire were building for many years, however there were few major events that became the reason for its opening and can be termed as the driving forces towards the launch. Initially known as the â€Å"Great war† .Primarily it involved Europe and its colonies but later extended its arms to America and Japan. A French politician once said, the large empire was important not only from trade point of view, but prestige as well. This was the kind of mind set in the late 19th and early 20th century. A battle for overseas territory was in offing between the European players, the battle was more for capturing the resources in those parts of the world that were neglected or had weak governance system and no protection means. One similar case that came to forefront in this regard was the dispute between the French and the Germans over the control of Morocco, this event took place in the early years of twentieth century. The 20th century was characterized by colonialism of the weak entities on the surface of earth and parts of Asia and Africa was bei ng ruled by the dominant forces mostly from Europe in form of Great Britain, Germany and France. The colonies were ironically enriched with natural resources, strategic positioning, for that reason every strong nation fancied occupying a land (Sanderson, 2001).This created a rift between the strong and mighty. The colonialism was the exploitation of the poor and weak by the strong ones, those who saw it from outside and had some strength saw it as an opportunity to enter the battle. The Stake holders of the World war: Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungry, who were later joined by Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire Allies: Great Britain, France, Serbia, Russia and few others, Italy, Greece . French Sense of Nationalism: The atmosphere all around smelled that of nationalism and French nationalists also saw their

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cultural anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cultural anthropology - Essay Example The two techniques facilitate a society to attain similar quantities of proteins continuously, though gathering one utilizes less energy since it entails collecting edible foodstuffs from the field where the coverage may not be too wide (Wilson & Wilson, 2007). Conversely, hunting entails crossing terrains in search of animals meant for hunting, hence entailing high-energy utilization. However, both gathering and hunting provide the societies with a wide range of selection of proteins even in times of paucity, which maintains high protein outcomes to evade starvation (Park, 2007). Contrastingly, hunting and gathering result in labor specialization among the communities where each task’s allocation depends on the gender. For illustration, men assume hunting task since it encompasses much energy while the women undertake to gather. Nevertheless, some foraging communities have embraced egalitarianism where no certain gender assigned to a given task, hence resulting in a classless society that does not have social stratification. This emanates from the notion that the main objective is to shun extinction of human species via adaptive modus operandi (Wilson & Wilson, 2007). ... This inclines them adoration, thus religion among the foraging societies that are much rooted in nature (Park, 2007). 1. Hutterites’ organizational structure encompasses that of chiefdom. Since their association is more intricate than a tribe or band but less complex than a state. Hutterites comprises of numerous colonies where a leader together with other key advisory associates makes daily decisions. These verdicts entail how the people in the relevant colonies ought to conduct themselves, hence maintaining peace and unity, which is vital in their regions. The colony’s political makeup and demarcations encompass: 1. Colony 2. Gemein – It is a religious unit comprising all baptized adults. 3. Colony’s executive board constituted of at least five to seven el ders. 4. Council members - They are the architects of day-to-day verdicts in the colony for the populace. 5. Head preacher – He is the link to the external humanity besides being the colony’s economic executive. Hutterites' socialization contrary to other surrounding people ensures that it prepares its people to be compliant, hardworking and reliable adults in the colonies (Wilson & Wilson, 2007). This makes the people productive, thus stabilizing their economy and making their organization more strong. Additionally, social control entails absolute adherence to the set rules and punishment for any defiance that may arise among the colonies. The unforgivable cases encompass murdering and deserting the colony, which yield to excommunication from the colony. 2. The search for reliable information regarding the origin and time of modern language has entailed anthropologists to devote themselves to diverse, intensive studies (Nanda & Warms, 2011).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What were the Main Causes of the First World War Essay

What were the Main Causes of the First World War - Essay Example Same was the case with World War One (W.W.1) that erupted in the beginning of 20th century and took the entire world in its fold, no continent was safe from it, and the major stakeholders were from nearly three continents. All the major events that took place in the history if traced back reveal that various long term reasons were behind them. Various factors contributed to the beginning of the fire, the military might, hostility towards each other, oppression of the weak, colonialism, race for resources, all these factors were building and in boiling for around twenty to thirty years and resulted in eruption of volcano in the name of World War One that lasted more than four years between 1914 and 1918 and had the entire world under its grip. This war changed the dynamics of happenings that were to take place in the coming years and decades of the century, and created new foes and new friends. Initially the rivalries were bi party and involved only two nations, two prime examples in this case can be seen as the rift that was going on between the Germans and French in 1870s(Howard, 2001), and Serbs and Austria-Hungry. Such small events and battles between the two nations result in providing a playground for large scale war which gives rise to battles that go beyond the borders of countries and engulf the continents ,similar case happened in case of World war one. More often than not it is seen that constitution of strategic alliances and groups result in further hostility of relations towards the other bench and such case was exhibited in World War One, though two strong entities were being established, yet they rather provided a medium for the two blocks to merge stand and operate against each other. A world war is termed as one that involves more than five super powers of that time, and enrolls two or more continents in its fire, World War One had the ingredients of both .The causes of a worldwide fire were building for many years, however there were few major events that became the reason for its opening and can be termed as the driving forces towards the launch. Initially known as the â€Å"Great war† .Primarily it involved Europe and its colonies but later extended its arms to America and Japan. A French politician once said, the large empire was important not only from trade point of view, but prestige as well. This was the kind of mind set in the late 19th and early 20th century. A battle for overseas territory was in offing between the European players, the battle was more for capturing the resources in those parts of the world that were neglected or had weak governance system and no protection means. One similar case that came to forefront in this regard was the dispute between the French and the Germans over the control of Morocco, this event took place in the early years of twentieth century. The 20th century was characterized by colonialism of the weak entities on the surface of earth and parts of Asia and Africa was bei ng ruled by the dominant forces mostly from Europe in form of Great Britain, Germany and France. The colonies were ironically enriched with natural resources, strategic positioning, for that reason every strong nation fancied occupying a land (Sanderson, 2001).This created a rift between the strong and mighty. The colonialism was the exploitation of the poor and weak by the strong ones, those who saw it from outside and had some strength saw it as an opportunity to enter the battle. The Stake holders of the World war: Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungry, who were later joined by Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire Allies: Great Britain, France, Serbia, Russia and few others, Italy, Greece . French Sense of Nationalism: The atmosphere all around smelled that of nationalism and French nationalists also saw their

Case Study Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics Essay Example for Free

Case Study Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics Essay Not-for-profit organization’s primary goal â€Å"is not to increase shareholder value; rather it is to provide some socially desirable need on an ongoing basis. It generally lacks the financial flexibility of a commercial enterprise because it depends on resource providers that are not engaging in an exchange transaction. The resources provided are directed towards providing goods or services to a client other than the actual resource provider. Thus the not-for-profit must demonstrate its stewardship of donated resources —money donated for a specific purpose must be used for that purpose. † (LII 1992) For-profit organization’s primary goal is â€Å"making money (a profit), which focuses on a goal such as helping the community and is concerned with money only as much as necessary to keep the organization operating. Most companies considered to be businesses are for profit organizations; this includes anything from retail stores to restaurants to insurance companies to real estate companies. † (Business dictionary) Good abstract! Try not to use dictionaries or encyclopedias as references for college-level papers. Case Study Analysis I have decided to do my case study on the not-for-profit organization â€Å"March of Dimes† and the for-profit organization â€Å"Insurance Companies. † These two different organizations are similar in what they stand for and that is helping the client by any means possible. They are also very different due to the nature of their organization and what they have to offer. I am about to prepare a Case Study Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between the For-Profit (Insurance Companies) and Not-for-Profit Organization (March of Dimes). Be sure to give a strong thesis statement in your introductory paragraph. The not-for-profit organization, â€Å"March of Dimes† provides mothers, pregnant women and women of childbearing age with educational resources on baby health, pregnancy, preconception and new motherhood, as well as supplying information and support to families affected by prematurity, birth defects, or other infant health problems. Have you ever thought about how difficult it is for a baby to be born without low birth weight, prematurity, or birth defects? After visiting the March of Dimes website I learned that over 460,000 newborns in the United States alone are born prematurely. I found that the March of Dimes, Mother’s March, and Walk-America were just three of the well-known, not-for-profit organizations in the United States. Each of these organizations main focus is putting an end to prematurity and each work to make their name well-known. The March for Dimes, has been highly effective in advocating for womens and childrens health. The not-for-profit organization is also a great sponsor for public awareness campaigns; the organization represents some of the most famous names in medicine and is organized into more than 90 local chapters, overseen by a national office. The organization was comprised of volunteers and researchers in a partnership, and today the same holds true. The foreseeable objective of course is to fight until prematurity and birth defects no longer exist. The foundation was founded by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938. â€Å"The organization began as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The name March of Dimes coined in the late 1930s by vaudeville star Eddie Cantor as a play on the contemporary newsreel series The March of Time was originally used for the foundations annual fundraising event and gradually became synonymous with that of the organization. It was officially adopted as the organization’s name in 1976, when it became known as the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. In 2007, the name became the March of Dimes Foundation. † The March of Dimes original goal or direction for the organization was for eliminating polio and that was done, so then they wanted to make a choice to either change their mission or do away with the organization all together. While putting together all their strengths and weaknesses of the organization they came up expanding the organization against birth defects, arthritis, virus diseases, and premature births. â€Å"They wanted to become a flexible force in the field of public health. † â€Å"The March of Dimes has been described as a bureaucracy that has taken on a life of its own through a classic example of a process called goal displacement. Break-up giant paragraphs into smaller paragraphs! On the other hand, every business or individual is exposed to many different types of risks such as fire, theft, burglary, accident, etc. Some of the risks can be conveyed to companies known as Insurance companies, the for-profit organization. Insurance agencies insure the loss of the insured. It is the best protection against risks to businesses, properties, and life. Like the dangers and risks of businesses, human life is also visible to many different risks. A family generally depends on the income brought in by the head of household, but when a death suddenly occurs, the family may be left in a very different and hard situation. Forever is not a part of the human life. Insurance replaces this by providing financial compensation. Moreover, it is a contract between the insurer and the insured under which the insurer undertakes to compensate the insured for the loss arising from the risk insured against. In consideration the insured agrees to pays premium regularly. Having insurance means that, in exchange for payment; an insurance company agrees to cover the expenses in an event that would otherwise cause financial loss for the policyholder. In short, having insurance means that out-of-pocket expenses can be prevented or diminished. The insurance policy represents a legally binding contractual agreement between the policyholder and the insurance company and spells out how much financial protection is. Some of the ethical perspective and values of the not-for-profit and the for-profit organization is that the March of Dimes is built on their mission statement that very much embraces it first, helping people in need. Volunteers have really studied this mission to guide them through this selfless act. They maintain a high ethical standard and avoid all selfishness. Also defining and enforcing standards of quality service, and striving for continuous improvement. Nevertheless, insurance companies claim that their mission and values are about growth of the people and the company’s performance. It ranks both making a difference and getting things done. Don’t these two organizations have the same concept when they talk about what their ethical perspective and values? They are always looking for ways to improve the organization to bring to more people to them and doing what is right for the customer. However, these two organizations have their set back just like everyone else. Some key problems that the March of Dimes face is stated from the Life Issues Institute: â€Å"For 20 years National Right to Life, its 50 state affiliates and its almost 3,000 chapters have maintained a boycott against giving any contributions to the March of Dimes. The reason for this started back in 1972. At that time, the March of Dimes sponsored a major seminar on genetically handicapped unborn babies. It pioneered the technic of diagnostic, mid-trimester amniocentesis. It began to teach a nation you could take some of the fluid from the sac around the baby in the middle of the pregnancy, and find out if the child had a genetic problem such as Downs Syndrome or spine-a-bifida. Once this was determined, about 95% of these babies would be killed by abortion. † Although the March of Dimes officially takes a neutral stance on abortion, their actions often portray a pro-abortion position. Most recently, they have attempted to hide a clearly established link between abortion and premature births. March of Dimes, whose motto is Saving Babies, Together, must be more vigilant in educating women who have had previous abortions of the need to receive adequate prenatal care during subsequent pregnancies. This is would be the biggest problem that the March of Dimes has to face, but there are so many followers that believe what this organization does because they agree with that their mission statement says and their values. â€Å"We help moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of babies. Recognizing, respecting and balancing the rights, roles, health and safety. † This organization has come a long way from when it was first founded and all the research has been for such a great cause, there is no stopping them now. Insurance companies too face dilemmas in their own organization with moral hazard and adverse selection: â€Å"Due to the existence of the insurance policy has altered your behavior. You take more risks, making a loss from burglary more likely than if you were uninsured. When the person on one side of a bargain knows more about what is being bought and sold than the person on the other side. Also, the tendency for people who are more at risk than the average to purchase insurance and for those who are less at risk than the average to reject insurance. † Insurance companies are driven by success and without a little selfishness; they would not be where they are today. Yes, they do help out the customer, but something has to come to a price (the final print). So I would say it is not in a bad way due to the fact they help out people in certain events and we feel that sense of protection when we walk out of an insurance agency. These key problems impact the organizations much more then we know. In the March of Dimes situation people will not know if they should trust them and maybe they will start to thin that they are just all talk. After all the hard work the organization is going to have to put their heads together to come up with a strategy to reassure these mothers that they are the real deal and they are the ones that can help in their time of need. If it is for your children as a parent I will do anything possible for the health and safety of my children. As far as insurance goes, people will get discouraged and just rather not pay, drive and live without insurance. So they will just deal with it when it happens. In my opinion, is not worth it. I have worked with insurance for the past 7 years and I have seen people in all different kinds of situations, but because they put themselves there. We try to explain everything in the best way that we can, but some people still are not convinced that the insurance companies want to help. I think that due to this is when the rates or premiums go up and people are wondering why, this is where the company gets selfish. Once the company reaches the point they want they will come back down. So in my experience in working with them, I think people will realize that they need insurance when something happens and they cannot get out of it by themselves and they need help. Insurance companies are there to help, but for a price. As I am reading your paper, I realized that you do not have any in-text citations with supporting discussion from your references. This concludes the study of theories and paradigms underlying personal and organizational values and ethical principles, how personal values and ethical principles relate to the organizations in which people function, and the effects of the organization’s ethics on its reputation, functioning and performance. As much as I know now about the Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between the For-Profit (Insurance Companies) and Not-for-Profit Organization (March of Dimes) they are two organizations that want one thing and that is to help the customer. Both have good mission and value statements that they should stick too and continue doing what they are doing. The March of Dimes is here to offer the help to mothers that they cannot get anywhere else for them and their children. You can meet some really great people along the way that are sharing the struggles as you and all they have on their mind the well-being of their children. Insurance companies will not go away and they will not stop being selfish, but this is for the better. You feel more protect when you walk out the door of your home and get into your vehicle or close up at your business. Yes, things will happen, but there is someone their help you out and get you out of something that you cannot do alone. I love my job and what I do! People just remember to just get informed when purchasing insurance and don’t be afraid ask questions about something you have no idea about. Same goes for the March of Dimes, there is so much information on the web about this organization and how they are willing to help you. Don’t get discouraged just one piece of bad article you read. Go and find out, what is the worst that can happen when you just want more information on who to trust in your situation.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Qantas worlds leading long distance airways

Qantas worlds leading long distance airways The Business Case Analysis: Qantas Airways Qantas is recognized as the worlds leading long distance airways which was established in Queensland in 1920, being the second oldest airlines of the world. Today, the airways provide flight services across a network of 173 destinations in 42 countries covering all over the world with approximately 35,000 employees. The Qantas group also offers subsidiary businesses such as budget airlines, Jetstar, and other businesses in specialist services: Qantas Catering and Qantas Holidays (Qantas, 2010). To analyze the changes and challenges that Qantas confronts in the marketing today, we should identify the range of products and services available by using Marketing Mix concept. Then, we will analyze the opportunities that may be available over the next 5 to 10 year by using SWOT Analysis. Lake (n.d) indicated that the marketing mix, or called as 4 Ps, is the combination of marketing elements that are used to serve customers and company goal. The company offers are controlled by the following variables in marketing: Product, Price, Place (Distribution) and Promotion. For Qantas Airways case, their marketing mix can conclude as follow: Product Qantas offers a wide range of products and services including premium brand, Qantas, and low cost brand, Jetstar. Qantas has divided in to international and domestic flight. In term of international flights, Qantas offers first, business, premium economy and economic class, which passengers receive different services of seat, dining, and amenity collections as they paid. In case of Domestic flight, Qantas offers two travel classes: Business and Economy. Domestic inflight services include meals, snacks and audio-visual entertainment. Qantas Cityflyer provides passengers travelling between Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney added more flights and seats than other airways with extra services such as complimentary newspapers on morning and complimentary wine and beer after 4pm weekdays. Jetstar is a low cost airline in Asia-Pacific and Australia. In Australia, its operation is entirely owned by Qantas Group. In Asia, the Qantas Group has extended the brand with their investments in Jetstar Asia (based in Singapore) and Jetstar Pacific (Vietnam). As a result, Jetstars operations have covered 50 destinations across South East Asia and Asia Pacific. Moreover, Qantas also offer non-flying businesses, which are and Qantas holiday and Qantas catering, making perfect products and services for traveling customers and other airlines businesses. Price The prices of flights are different according to the distance of destinations and the class of seat customers selected. Especially, for Jetstar, its prices are competitive with other low-cost airlines that make enormous profits to the company. As its prices are versatile, customers can make a decision based on the services Airlines offered. In addition, for Qantas holiday, it also offers ‘Price Promise program that customers can get guaranteed low prices on transfers, car hire, hotel or activities when they book on Qantas will match price rate and give 1000 extra points to customers who find another website which provide better rate than Qantas. Place or Distribution channel Customers can book their flights via various different channels which are, Telephone sales, Qantas travel Centers, Qantas airport locations and other travel agencies. Customers also can manage their flight via the website and their mobile phone. Promotion There are many kinds of promotions to encourage sales such as discount air fare, buy one ticket get one free tickets, upgrading seat and loyalty program: Frequent Flyer member. Frequent Flyer program is very popular in airlines industry. Qantas offers three levels of memberships which are Silver, Gold and platinum, excluding Bronze entry level. Each membership has different privileges: Qantas Club and business/First counters, additional kilograms for baggage allowance, point bonus, priority check in and so on. The higher membership level the better privileges members can receive and earn awards. After we identified 4 Ps for Qantas, we will analyze the SWOT analysis to better understanding the organization. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors that the company can control, while Opportunities and Threats are external possibilities which need more company efforts: support opportunities, or prevent and reduce threats. Strengths Strong corporate image Qantas is the leader airways in Australia domestic and international and renowned as the second oldest airways. Moreover, the company is outstanding in strategic markets which are Asia-pacific and Western Europe. Frequent Flyer Program Qantas Frequent Flyer program, the most popular and largest airways loyalty program in Southern part of the world, possess approximately 6.8 million customers with more than 400 partners. This is an important marketing strategy to retain customers and crate brand loyalty to new passengers. Excellent customer service Qantas is devoted to offer passenger with a wide-range of outstanding services. It employs more than 700 international customer service managers and supervisors. Over 1,600 First and Business flight attendants were selected by their product knowledge and extensive service experience and trained to offer a premium service to passengers. Also, many flight attendants are multi-lingual. They can speak a number of languages such as French, Italian, German, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, and so on. Furthermore, Qantas also has recognition for using inflight defibrillators and also on-board airplanes provide physician kits which include medication and medication. Corporate social responsibility Qantas are worried about the concern of environment changing and are dedicated to manage its operations and development in an environmentally sustainable approach. They have launched the program ‘Fly Carbon Neutral program to evoke people concerning on reducing carbon emissions that passengers can contribute small amount of money to offset their flight emissions. The Qantas group established the Qantas Environment and Fuel Conservation group to responsible for environment issues. They have decreased aircraft noise around airports, provided suggestion on acquisition assessment of new aircraft and new businesses, applied environmentally practices and performance, and to name but few. In addition, the company also donated to support various ‘not-for-profit programs or organizations such as Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Flora and Fauna International, Clean up Australia Day, and so on. Versatile businesses Apart from its main business, Flying Activity, Qantas also has invested in non-flying activities which are food catering, travel agency, airport and aircraft engineering that enable them to increase the companys profits and represent new opportunities to its present business. A lot of flight and routes There are many routes covering worldwide provided by Qantas. Qantas group operate approximately 5300 flight a week including nearly 60 cities domestically and over 900 fights per week in 173 destinations in 42 countries. This help the Airways is recognized in many countries and expand its market share. Dual brand strategy Qantas Group can cover a wide group of customers because it offers premium brand, Qantas, and low-cost brand, Jetstar. This creativity allowed Qantas to take advantage of target budget passenger and premium travelers to boost its profits and fulfill level of operation. Weaknesses Employees relationship Qantas had conflicts with its engineers in reaching an agreement on a wage dispute earlier in 2008. However, compromise was finally completed with a predictable annual wage raised between4 to 5.8 %(Brigden, 2009). This is an important issue if it occurs again; employees will have negative trust to the company that brings negative effects to overall operations. Dependence on single market In spite of expanding to international region, Qantas still depends on the domestic market for its main revenues. This over-dependence on single market leaves the Airways vulnerable to any politics situation or economic depression and in Australia. Spiraling costs Although in 2008 Qantas group has provided strategies to reduce the impact of increasing fuel costs, it was forced to cut down other operations cost such as jobs and flight capacity to continue competitive position in the market. Opportunities Open Skies Agreement There were many efforts between Australia and other nations such as the US, New Zealand, and so on to approve an open skies agreement. As a result, it has created new opportunities to operate unrestricted capacity over any routing they choose and with as many flights as they desire in beyond markets. Asia-Pacific potential market According to Datamonitor (2009), The Asia-pacific airlines industry had been growing at a healthy rate over 2005-2008, but showed a decline in 2009. This will increase once again in 2010Experts also predicted that the industrys volume is likely to increase to 794.3 million passengers by the end of 2013, showing a compound annual growth rate of8.6% for 2008-2013 period. Therefore, there will be enormous opportunities to increase company revenues and profits. Utilization new technology Technology is improving nowadays. The Airways can utilize it in many ways including increasing the service to customers and improving aircrafts design. In November 2009, Qantas reveal the project, which will begin in the mid-2010, to renovate domestic airport check-in times for passengers at Cityflyer ports across Australia. The membership cards including intelligent chip that can transform the data inside into personal boarding passes linked to the bag tags, and allow passengers to swipe their card on a reader and pass to an easy baggage drop. Non-frequent flyers will also satisfy with major upgrades to their check-in by using hosted kiosks and rapid bag drop. Strategic Alliance The growth of strategic alliances is expected to bring about several returns including an extended route network, more frequent flights and Frequent Flyer passengers and cost and efficiency benefits. Threats Excessive competition Low-cost airlines have become the main competitor of Qantas. Craigie and Bekiaris (2010) stated that Air Asia commenced flight between the Gold Coast, Perth, Melbourne, and Kuala Lumpur. In addition, Tony Fernandes, Air Asia CEO, said that Air Asia is going to start flying into Sydney by midyear of 2010. Besides, Air Asia X also provides cheap flight to London from Kuala Lumpur. This enhanced on the whole competition in Asia-pacific and Europe region. The competitors of Qantas are not limited only Air Asia, the other low-cost airlines such as Tiger Airlines and Virgin Blue also have offered the same routes as Qantas or Jetstar. Aviation Security issue According to the event of 11 September 2001, it decreased the demand for air travel because of the raised concerns about safety issue. Then, the cost of travel was raised as a result of the requirement of arriving earlier for departure, the increased rate of delays follow-on security breaches, and new protection surcharge (Coughlin, C.C. et al, 2002). Qantas also has flights service between Australia and the US, so the airways have been affected directly by the increasing in security cost. Shortage of pilots and staff Pearson (2008) indicated that approximately 19,000 pilots will need to be trained yearly until 2026 to meet estimated demand as airways grow agreeing to International Air Transport Association (IATA). As a result, it is important to note airways regulators will confront the challenge of training pilots better and faster which need more cost to absorb. Congestion and Airport capacity issue Because the industry developed rapidly, a problem of airport capacity is possible, limiting the total number of airplanes flying to Australia as occurred in other parts of the world. All things considered, after studied both marketing mix and SWOT analysis, I would like to recommend the company to improve its operations as follows: Focus on both domestic and international markets to diversify the risk of domestic economic, politics, social situations. Offer new promotions to passengers. For example, when it nearly reaches the date the flight taken place, company should discount air fare if those flights have remained too many seats to offset the cost of operations per flights. Consider about employees relationship, providing proper training, wages or benefits and number of working hours. Use new technology and well-trained employees for improving airlines services. Find new alliances and retain the relationship of current alliances that can share benefits to the airlines. Continue ‘company social responsibility and ‘Saving Environments projects to maintain good company image. Reference List Brigden, Cathy. (2009). Journal of Industrial Relations. Unions and collective bargaining in 2008, 51(3), 365-378. Coughlin, Cletus C. et. Al. (2002). Review. Aviation Security and Terrorism: A Review of the Economic Issues, 84(5), 9-16. Craigie, J. Bekiaris, M. (2010). Money. Qantas gets cosy with AirAsia, 2(120), 16-16. Datamonitor. (2009). Airline Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific. Airline Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific, 1-32. Lake, Laura. (n.d). Developing Your Marketing-4Ps of Marketing. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 5 May 2010]. Pearson, David. (2008). Wall Street Journal-Eastern Edition. Airlines Face Shortage of Pilots, 251(95), p. B11A. Qantas. (2010). Qantas Fact file. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 5 May 2010].

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Overcoming the Constraints of Society Essay -- literary Analysis, Kate

he focus of this paper will be to examine Kate Chopin’s The Awakening chapter ten, specifically paragraphs five to ten. Throughout The Awakening Edna is constantly fighting with the expectations of society and her desire to be a free woman. As a woman, Edna is expected to be the perfect wife and mother, however she longs to embrace and free her creative self. Because of this battle within herself she shows many of the characteristics of depression. The passage mentioned above is very symbolic of Edna’s fight to overcome her mental illness. The thesis of this paper is that Edna’s yearning to swim is a metaphor for her longing to overcome depression, patriarchal expectations and societal constraints. By taking an in-depth look into the author’s word choice, a parallel can be found between learning to swim and the ability to overcome the depression within. The water mentioned in the passage is symbolic of Edna’s depression, and the fact that she had been trying to learn how to swim shows that she is trying to conquer it. Edna’s inability to swim shows that she was struggling to defeat her depression, however she was actively trying to find help by asking others for assistance. Edna describes that â€Å"A certain ungovernable dread hung about her when in the water† (Chopin 73), this shows her fear of succumbing to the depression but also her anxiety to rise above it. By giving in to the depression Edna would accept society’s expectation of her, she would have to become the perfect mother and wife at any cost. Meanwhile, in order for her to rise out of the depression she would have to give in to her desire to be free of these expectations. Before Edna was able to swim, she describes herself as a â€Å"tottering, stumbling, clutching chi... ... the water in this passage, and her decision on whether or not to conform to the expectations of society. Her inability to swim in the beginning exhibits how Edna has been conforming to the expectations of society by becoming both a wife and mother, and as a result has developed the depression. Edna was able to defeat her depression, represented by her learning how to swim, by choosing the more solitary path. It can also be seen that Edna’s hold on her depression is very unsteady and wavering, which shows that she might not be able to control it. In the end she was â€Å"reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself.†(Chopin 74), which shows that she is unable to contain her creative self within and she is looking for an escape from society. It also represents that she cannot keep control of her depression and that she is also looking for an escape from life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Narrative- Soccer State Championship Essay -- Personal Narrat

Personal Narrative- Soccer State Championship On February 28, 2005, I experienced one of the most exciting events that anyone could ever experience – winning a State Championship. The day my soccer team made history is a day I’ll never forget. However it is not just that day we won the title, but the whole experience of the preceding season that got us there. From start to finish, my team’s 2004-2005 season taught me that the platitude is true. You can do anything you set your mind to. From before day one, all our minds were set. This was the year to win a State Championship. I can’t exactly explain it, but right from the start I knew we were going to do it. I was never so sure about anything in my life and I never doubted it once. Yet it was a silent confidence, which I kept to myself. Though each of us was confident about winning state, we had much to work through before we made it there. The first few weeks of practice were full of bad attitudes and laziness. As a sophomore, I, along with the other underclassman, kept my mouth shut and put effort into practices. It was t...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Isolation and Alienation in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar Essay

In Sylvia Plath’s modern novel, The Bell Jar, the main character Esther isolates and alienates herself throughout the book because she mentally ill. Because her descent into a deep depression is slow and she leads a productive life when the reader first meets her, this descent seems rational to the reader in the beginning. Esther has an artsy soul. She is a writer and dreamer. When she does not make it into the writing program she is hoping for, she feels as though her life starts to lose purpose and we see her unwind. Esther is lucky enough to be spending a month in the summer in New York as a scholarship winning junior editor/ intern for a ladies magazine but she does not enjoy this experience as much as she feels she should. Esther spends her evenings out and about in the glamorous city trying to forget about Buddy Willard, a boy she dated in college who developed tuberculosis. Esther’s feelings of depression begin on this trip as she loses interest in both her work and social life and only worsen with time. Esther begins to realize her feelings of deep discontent are not normal â€Å"I knew something was wrong with me that summer, because all I could think about was the Rosenbergs and how stupid I’d been to buy all those uncomfortable, expensive clothes†¦and how all the little successes I’d totted up so happily at college fizzled to nothing†¦ along Madison Avenue.† (Plath, 1-2) Although Esther understands there is something abnormal about her emotions, it takes her a while to realize how deeply mentally ill she really is. Her peers are all happy and excited to be in New York pursuing their future careers but Esther is unable to share their enthusiasm in any of it. Esther begins avoiding her friends and social situations and retreats further into her own thoughts and emotions. Esther’s depression steadily worsens once she returns home. She is devastated when she is informed she has been rejected from the writing program she planned on attending and is left unsure about what to do with her life. â€Å"But when I took up my pen, my hand made big, jerky letters like those of a child, and the lines sloped down the page from left to right almost diagonally, as if they were loops of string lying on the paper, and someone had come along and blown them askew.† (Plath, 106) Esther starts noticing many odd changes with herself, such as a loss of writing talent and constant thoughts of suicide. She feels she is losing her identity as a writer and therefore her grip on reality. Esther attempts suicide more than once and is dragged to several psychiatrists and mental institutions before landing in a private institution in the capable hands of Dr. Nolan who helps her slowly ascend from her suffocating â€Å"bell jar.† This book gives the reader a look inside what it is like to be severely mentally ill. Esther avoids everyone including those who used to be her best friends and attempts suicide more than once. That is why alienation is the most outstanding theme in this novel.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The importance of communication in care settings

Communication is not just what you say. It is the tone of voice that you are using and the way you portray how you are feeling, for instance the way that you are standing will indicate how you are feeling towards whoever was with you if you were relaxed and open you would be standing with your head up and arms relaxed. If you were upset or didn't want to talk then you'd be stood there with your head down and arms folded across your chest. Eye contact is important and in the UK the majority of people look at each other for 70% of the conversation whereas in Japan they only look at one another for 50% of the time. Your confidence is shown in your eye contact if you are walking down a street with your head held high and briefly meet others eyes it shows that you are confident in yourself and what you are doing. Only a small part of communication is what you are actually saying this can make it complicated when you are communicating with others as what you are saying will mean perfect sense to you but it may be interpreted to mean something completely different. In most cases the tone of your voice is either taken for granted or perceived unconsciously. The tone of how you say something is 38% of the way that you communicate. 55% is non verbal communication and what you say is only 7%. This shows that awareness of the appropriate tone and good voice control this is important for all care workers. Communication skills are a vital and necessary to have in any care setting. If you have good communication skills you can make sure that you get every thing done as efficiently and effetely as possible. Also when you are dealing with people in a social care environment you will need to make sure that they understand what you are saying or meaning, you have to build a trusting relationship with your clients and make sure that they are at ease, this is because you might be dealing with vulnerable people, the elderly or people with learning difficulties.Sentence and Verbal Communication To meet you client's needs you would help with housing, washing, shopping or with anything else that the individual may need. Some of the elderly clients may be suffering with dementia. This may result in them acting in an unpredictable way. The medical side is different although communication is just as fundamental, as you may have to find something important out quickly to prevent further distress to the patient. When you go and visit you doctor you only have a 10 minute time slot and in them 10 minutes your GP has to find out what is wrong explain and give you treatment. This would not happen if you and your doctor could not communicate properly. Your patients will be aware of your body language so you need to show them that you are comfortable and that you want to hear what they have to say; also you need to show them that what they are saying is important. So eye contact and openness is vital. You don't want to be sat typing away at your computer when your patient arrives as that automatically says you have something more important to do other then greeting them. Also when people are in pain or ill they tend to become emotional and anxious. Then as the health professional it is your job to make sure that you have the situation under control. A GP or any other health professional needs to make sure that they use the correct type of tone this is make sure that the patient feels comfortable a nd valued also by using the appropriate tone you can make yourself sound interested, caring and encouraging. Effective communication is central to a good working practice of all early years' professionals and relationships with children and their families/carers may be impaired without it. Communication involves a successful exchange of information from one person to another. When working with the early years you have to take in to account of their age and their understanding level. You can not expect a child of 3 to understand eye contact or subtle body language. You need to make sure that you are communicating to them on their understanding level not yours. You will also have to compromise for their lack of speech and their unpredictability when they cant communicate with you. So for communication to be successful it needs to meat the needs of both speakers and any breakdown will result in a lack of communication taking place ADD COMMUNICATION CYCLE? Ask Teresa Oral communication would be one of the most important ways of communicating in the social, medical and early years setting, as within these settings you have to build up a trusting professional relationship. That advantage to oral communication is that you can exchange information quickly. The service provider can explain situations and answer any questions that may arise. When speaking with someone you can make sure that whoever you are communicating with understand what you are saying. Also if necessary and appropriate you can comfort if what you are saying is distressing. In a social setting oral communication is vital for a nurse as she not only has to be able to communicate efficiently and for the best of her clients she has to be able to hand over their information correctly to the next shift of nurses if she was to get this wrong it may jeopardise the patient. Also with oral communication you can nominally tell how your clients are feeling if they have a quite tone then it may be that they are depressed, feeling sad or passiveness. If they had a loud or excited tone this could mean that they were fearful, feeling angry or aggressive. Skilled care workers can pick this up and act appropriately. It is an important role of a care worker to be able to understand, relay and gather information not just with the patients but also with her work team. On a typical day a nurse would have to record what medication was given, the amount and the time it was administered she would do this so she could pass it on to other nurses so they are aware of the medication that, the patient has had. Communication can fail if there is a lack of knowledge this could leave the people involved feeling inadequate. Communicating orally in an early year's environment can be demanding and frustrating. You not only have to build up trusting relationship and understanding with the children you also need to do this with their parents/carers and the rest of your team. When communicating with young children they may not always understand what you are saying to them but the can hear your tone of voice and the tone of voice used conveys a message to the child which at times be the wrong message. For example. To ask a child â€Å"what are you doing† may be interpreted by a child as a negative question if the tone of voice is wrong. When you are talking to young children and are asking questions or giving guidance you need to do so in a clear voice and in bite size pieces. Like â€Å"go and get your shoes† not â€Å"go out the hall into the shoe area find your shoes and put them on. Then come back to me† this is because their understanding level is lower then yours and the short term memory only last for 30 seconds and by the time they have left the room they would have forgotten. When talking to parent/carer you need to establish whether they would prefer you to communicate with them in an informal or formal way. This is the register of language. Some parents and most certainly the children will prefer you to great them in an informal way as this may put them at ease. Within a medical setting you need to remember to use the correct type of language (register of language) formal language would be better unless requested from the patient. If a medical receptionist was informal then the patient may think that are being disrespected. As a GP you will communicate aurally most of the time to you patients this mean that the GP has the advantage that the tone of voice can betray how the patient is feeling emotionally and if relevant the GP may be able to help or refer them to another source. This is the GP taking care of his patient's emotional and physical wellbeing. As a GP you will have to work and communicate with people that have different styles of speaking such as ethic groups and people that come from different work and culture settings. Verbal communication for a nurse at A+E is about buliding a relationship quickly with all types of people from all walks of life they have to be calm so she needs to have gained their trust. Also they have to exchange information to one another. Nurses and paramedics use a pain scale asking how bad the pain is from 1 to 10 this is especially good for children as they cant always describe what pain they are in. Written communication in any organised setting is one of the most important factors. This is because of keeping records. Getting the right support for your clients. Without written communication you would not be able to do this. In social care setting it may not be the choice of some of your clients. If you have clients that are profoundly deaf or very hard of hearing it would be more appropriate and polite to send them a letter rather then ringing them. There would be little point of finding out effective way to communicate with a client and then not making an accurate record so that other people can also communicate with that person. The type of things that you would record as a care worker would be what problems your clients have how it affects them both emotionally and physically. What action should be taken by yourself and others. Always add the date and whether you administered medication, and any other day to day things that you do. Most of the written communication will be between you and your colleges on a professional basis. You will mainly communicate with your clients in a more informal way When working in an early year's environment it is important to keep parents well informed. You need to pass information through ways that parents can access. The easiest way to do this is by written communication. This can be in many ways such as news letters once a month with general information in them, home and setting books so that you can keep in contact with the parents that way this is a good way for people that have child care so they know what is going on a daily basis, notice boards so that you can display reminders and notices and displays of the children's work throughout the setting so that the parents can see for them selves that their child is doing constructive things while at the setting When working with early years children it is easier sometimes to use visual pictures as aids so that a child can associate a picture with a meaning or a word. For example you may put their picture on their coat per and a picture of a coat above them. Children respond and understand picture writing rather then just the written word. Staff in the early years setting will also do reports on the children's development and what aspects they need to improve on. This is to accommodate their social, physical, emotional and intellectual wellbeing and prepare them for school. The types of medical written information that you would get would be letters and reminders about appointments whether at your GP's clinic, medical centre or local hospitals. You may get test results or letters about your tests and the results. You may also get formal letters indicating a change of location. Every doctor has his patient's notes and information this is to see what illness and treatments that you have had in the past and whether you are allergic to anything. He keeps them as records nowadays stored on a computer so no matter where you are they can locate your files. As a patient you may get extra correspondence from your GP regarding any medical check ups that you need GP's and other health professionals use written communication to refer patients to one other service providers. Being an employee in any care setting you will come across people with hearing and visual impairments there are a number of ways to carry on or start communicating with your clients. Communication between hearing and deaf people is not always straight forward. Quite often the response of a hearing person is to either talk more loudly or over emphasise lip patterns, this will actually cause more difficulty. However the ability and awareness of how to communicate clearly can solve many day to day issues. Makaton is a type of system that uses speech, signs and symbols to help people with learning difficulties to communicate, and to develop their language skills. People that speak Makaton will use speech as well as body language they don't just silent sign. Makaton is a form of augmentative and alterative communication (AAC). Makaton is used with both children and adults who are unable to speak or whose speech is difficult to understand. Makaton is a key word signing system that aims to provide a basic means of communication and encourage language development. When using Makaton the key words will still be spoken as well as signed. If you have a client in your care it is bested advised to try and learn some of their preferred way of communication, although you will pick up some meanings. Braille is a type of communication that instead or words are raised marks that can be felt wit the fingers. This provides a type of written communication that can be used by people with limited or no sight. Braille is usually taught to those who are totally blind from youth. Moon is usually taught to people who loose their sight in later life. Both moon and Braille are raised symbols that correspond to the alphabet. British sign language is a visual/spatial language which is governed by its own grammatical rules using shapes, hand movements and facial expressions to convey meaning leading to successful communication. There are 9,000,000 deaf or hard of hearing people in the UK, with distinct differences in the way that they wish to communicate. Approximately 80,000 people sign language as their first language. Electrical aids have made communication much easier. Information displays on computer screens such as information kiosks ands bulletin boards are increasingly being used for public communication. Other then e-mails and telephone and the internet there are loads of other ways to communicate using modern technology. Technology can be made friendly and accessible to people that are blind or have low vision for example:- you have voice synthesisers can be installed to read out loud the text on the screen. There is also Braille and other tactile symbols can be embossed on the buttons used on the display. You can also get special scanners to convert text into a read out which is relayed to the user by voice synthesisers or convert the words on a printed page into very large sized text on the computer screen. Communication via computers has enabled society to be able to communicate efficiently, accurately and quickly. Within a hospital and emergency environment to communicate the correct information and quickly you need computerised communication. For example somebody comes into A+E with a suspected broken arm they get sent to the Department to have an x-ray. After taking the photos they send them back to A+E. this saves time and money. It is efficient and it is to the best of the patients as treatment can be administered more quickly. In effect it's taking care of their physical and emotional wellbeing. This is not the only benefit that computerised communication has, at the scene of an accident the paramedics will contact the hospital to let them know who is coming in and why their age and any other infomation that they have on them. This is to ensure that upon their arrival the correct treatment can be administered, Especially if it is a life threatening situation. Even though the need of speed may be vital they also have to be accurate, clear and understandable as its about somebodys care.